Hankie's First Morning in Phoenix

We made it to Phoenix from Illinois.
The participants:
Scott - Fiance extraordinaire. Did all 24 hours of driving us from my house to his.
Candy - That's me. I detest being in a car for longer than 15 minutes.
Hankie - 19 year old cat. Best creature on 4 legs.
It is hard to believe that our little group spent three entire days in a car. I'll go into some of the grueling highlights a bit later. The main point is, I started my relocated life today. The moving truck arrives Monday, and the wedding is 2 weeks from tomorrow.
When we finally got into Phoenix last night, we were done in. The minute we got out of the car it was as though someone had lifted the copper mold off the Jello salad and blasted it with a blowtorch of fatigue. The whole thing blobbed downward to a puddle of green nothingness, the once-festive bits of carrot languishing like tiny abandoned orange canoes.
Today we mostly tried to believe that we were no longer in a car. The relief was intense. This must be a speck of what it's like to die and to land smack-dab into the middle of the very, very pleasant afterlife you'd been hoping for. You get to stop worrying that there's no such place, and start frolicking in it.
At 8:39 AM,
Gail said…
Yay for Hankie!
Hey, you put up a picture! Did Scott finally show you how?
At 10:56 AM,
Citlali said…
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At 10:58 AM,
Citlali said…
Congratulations -- on EVERYTHING! I wish you the best move-in, settle-in & wedding EVER! = ]
At 11:18 AM,
sparrow said…
Sweet little Hankie!
Welcome home, y'all!
At 11:51 AM,
Candy Rant said…
Gail, Scott did it for me. I loved that photo of Hankie so much I wanted it on here.
Thanks for da link!
Citlali257: Thanks! It's all pretty much a dream come true. Of course, with my outlook I'm waiting for an anvil to fall on my head. :)
Pixie: Hankie says hi!
At 12:16 PM,
mgm said…
Candy, glad you made it there safely.
Hankie looks so snug and comfy already. He just makes himself right at home, doesn't he?
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've never even met Hankie, but I love him. He is one of The Greats.
I hope you remembered to throw your Sadaam Hussein bathmat into the moving truck! No home is complete without one of those.
At 4:25 PM,
Candy Rant said…
MadGrad...Hankie is at home wherever he hangs his tail. Er, wait.
Jackie...Like OMG of COURSE I brought the Saddam bath mat. I haven't been reading Martha Stewart living for nothing.
At 12:12 PM,
Domhan said…
Phoenix climate seems to agree with Hankie. He looks SO peaceful. Of course, it could be the consciousness-sucking couch he's napping on, too.
Congrats Scott and Candy. Peace!
At 12:31 PM,
Lisa Dunick said…
Man, I can't believe you're in Pheonix- Happy settling in--and happy wedding too.izqighd
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Isn't there a song, By the time I get to Phoenix? A Glen Campbell number? I love how cats relax. Wish we could relax like they do. No one would ever need therapy!
Glad you arrived alive. I read the other posting. Wow! Nothing can ever be easy, can it?
Loved the picture-I was so excited to see Hankie again, even if only in pictures.
At 12:27 AM,
Candy Rant said…
LD, I can't believe it either. Seriously it's too surreal.
Belle, you have no idea how many times we sang that damned Glen Campbell song on the trip. And that led to more horrible songs of his. We even did "Rhinestone Cowboy" on our hit parade.
At 2:33 AM,
Steve B said…
yoquyReminds me of those Garfields (only the back half) you used to be able to get that stuck on your trunk.
Road trips are fun, but I've never done one with a pet. Kudos to you!
At 12:14 PM,
Candy Rant said…
I remember those things, Steve! Also the things they had at Spencer Gifts that were a fake man's leg to hang from the trunk. Those were big in Indiana. :)
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