Candy Rant

"I killed a rat with a stick once."

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wikipedia, the Evil Temptress

Late last night I went to Wikipedia to look up Howard Nemerov, big famous award-winning poet. I was taking one of his poems to work this morning to show my poetry writing class.

However, some prankster had given in to the temptation of contorting all the information in the wiki-kingdom, and this is what I found:

"Born in Rudyard, Michigan, his parents were Gertrude and Jack Meoff. His younger sister was the slut of the town and the only porn photographer the town had......

"Nemerov then began sex position (sic), first at Beaver College and later at benderover College, Brain University, and finally Washingina University...where he was Distinguished University Professor of Porn...

"Nemerov's work is formalist. He's known for having a very large penis."

The Beavis type who supplied such colorful biographical tidbits about Nemerov and his tidbit is no doubt, right this minute, pulled over to the side of a winding Indiana 2-lane highway, spray painting a "Do Not Pass" sign to read "Do Not Piss," having grown bored with trying to figure out how to fold the back cover of his Mad Magazine to see the mysterious new picture.


  • At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am SO using this in my composition class today! In fact, that's where I am right this minute. Unfortunately, I will not be able to project this blog on the big screen. That "very large penis" thing will have to be censored. But we've had long conversations about the reliability of Wiki. See "The Stand Against Wikipedia" in The Chronicle of Higher Education.

  • At 1:09 PM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    Cool! I gotta look up that article. I have a love/hate relationships with Wiki. My freshmen hate me for not letting them use it as a research paper source. Because they are morons.

  • At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I want to start a new website for all of the weird-os out there who screw up the online information sharing community. I'll call it "Sikipedia: The Freak's Encylopedia."

    I told my students they can use Wiki if they really want to, but I will consider their research to be suspect and amateurish...which will have a negative impact on the grade I feel like giving them. Haven't had much problem with it since.

  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger prairie biker said…

    Okay. You got me. But you can't make me stop.

  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    Oh man, PB. How did I not guess?

    Chubby Knuckles, flunk 'em all. Or else why be a teacher?

  • At 11:06 AM, Blogger John C. A. Bambenek said…

    I didn't do it.

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    John, don't lie.
    It was either you or Prairie Biker or a combo.

  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger prairie biker said…

    I'd just like to state for the record that I have never, ever, done anything "in combo" with Mr. Bambenek.

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger John C. A. Bambenek said…

    But what about all those sweet words you spoke?


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