Candy Rant

"I killed a rat with a stick once."

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

In the Interest of Fairness...

I must come forward and confess my own typo/blooper/stupid mistake.

I emailed the library at the community college today to set up a time for my class to visit as a group, to work on their research papers. I copied myself on the email, and saw this sentence only after it was too late:

"On that date, this English 101 class will halve a substitute teacher."


  • At 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kind of like being drawn and quartered? I've felt like that in the classroom. Anita

  • At 6:49 AM, Blogger Jerry said…

    I've been pretty much of a smart ass my whole life, and although I have attempted to avoid being unkind (to anyone's face) I have made light of the mistakes of others.

    When someone of that ilk makes a mistake themselves, vengeance can be swift and ugly. I have had to eat some major crow. But, I guess turnabout is fair play after all.

    Good for you! As we say in the south, "we ain't perfect, and we ain't tryin' to be."

  • At 7:36 AM, Blogger prairie biker said…

    But didn't you always want to?

    The only substitute I ever liked was when Martha McClenny (Morgan Fairchild's mom) taught. No matter what we were supposed to do, that day it was a given we'd be doing Shakespeare.

    Runner up was Ms. Flippo - just for her name and because Evan Harvey totally ignored her and went up to the board and wrote every variation of -ippo he could think of, and then some. Half the class wet their pants and Flippo ran off crying.

  • At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They may very well halve her, it's a tough crowd.

    Turing word: smksonkl. I think I had a Mis Smksonkl for English in third grade...

  • At 10:01 AM, Blogger Domhan said…

    Hey! I see the moose now!

    (Mooses? Meese? Moosi?)

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    Me, too, Anita. Many times.

    Jerry, yep, I'm always willing to show what an ass I am. Not that I could help showing it.

    PB?! Morgan Fairchild's mom? For reals? Poor Mrs. Flippo probably was either institutionalized in a rubber room or incarcerated and made to be the "wife" of someone hefty named Wanda.

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    Domhan, That moose vision is of the debbul. Beware of the dark side. Bullwinkle=debbul.

  • At 1:10 PM, Blogger EB said…

    I told you they looked like moose! My drugs are clearly better than yours. And they don't make me angry enough to halve anyone.

  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger Steve B said…

    Just in time for Halloween. Should make a good YouTube video.

  • At 1:47 PM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    OK, EB, you win. They are bacon mooses.
    Also, I am switching to your drug of choice/recreation.

    Steve, maybe it'll be the next "Chocolate Rain!" My favorite YouTube video of all time.

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger Citlali said…

    OMG. Cool. And it turned out to be such a clever mistake, a happy accident appropriately themed for the season as pointed out...

    Me, I'm always anxious that my spelling mistakes will get me when I least expect it. I pray to the god of SpellCheck daily. Not for nothin' but when I first got here from Mexico in sixth grade, (who am I kidding, it's STILL a problem) double consonants were a nightmare. In school in Mexico City all of us kids would cheat in our English portion of the school day (frou, frou private school) and learned to spell our English vocab phonetically in Spanish. Everything in spanish is spelled phonetically so if you learn how to say an English word as if it was Spanish you could spell it no problem. Oh, but there aren't any "real" double consonants in Spanish, not any that aren't pronounced differently so you always knew they were there -- no hiding or sneaking. OK, the Us hide after Gs and the Hs hide all around but we're getting off the subject. MY issue is double consonants in English.

    Ok, I'm ranting now and must go. Don't want to be perceived as a wIwi... lol. yeah. = ]

  • At 6:58 PM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    Citlali...You had to chase all kinds of grammar rules around as a kid. AGGGHHH!

    I like happy accidents.

  • At 7:30 PM, Blogger Lisa Dunick said…

    somehow I can imagine a class halving a sub....

  • At 7:32 PM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    Definitely. They can turn on you like an angry mob any minute.

  • At 9:56 PM, Blogger Ana Martin said…

    This must be your Aztec reenactment class, no?

  • At 10:02 PM, Blogger Candy Rant said…

    What an excellent notion. Where were you when I was writing my syllabus?


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