Beer and Boots and Word Counts

The book. The book. The book.
I have worked my brains out on this book and am about, hmmm, maybe 33% of the way to having a completed first draft. It is definitely the toughest thing I've ever worked on. I know I keep saying that, but I guess I'm a little stunned that I'm actually doing it. It may never find a publisher, but I'll feel several steps closer to the person I want to be if I can just finish it.
All my initial reasons for writing it? All my noble and/or ambitious inspirations? Far, far down the line from the first place now.
My big motivation: When I finally get this book done I CAN STOP WORKING ON THIS BOOK!!!
38 more days until classes begin, and I have yet to start throwing together my plans for three revamped classes I'm teaching. Panic level setting in.
Scott and I took a break tonight and went to a new-ish Mexican restaurant we hadn't yet tried. It looked very beachy, painted bright yellow with white trim. He ordered the carne asada and was delighted with it. I got the enchiladas mole and they were gaggerific. The sauce was so violently bitter that I had to send them back. Yes, I'm one of those people. Even Scott said, after taking a bite, that he couldn't eat it either. Our waiter was mega-cool about it and brought me some regular cheese enchiladas. We left him a whopping tip.
The best part: Scott's beer arrived in a glass mug shaped like a cowboy boot, and every time he took a drink I could not stop laughing. This intruded severely on his beer drinking experience. But seriously, it had a stubby little foot and was so hard for me to cope with that I had to shade my eyes with one hand and look down at my food when he took a drink. I've already tried to find some mugs like that online. How could I have not known these existed?
Back to the writing, and then I reward myself with half an hour of Facebook, my new dominatrix.
Word count thus far: 25,000. Probably going to 50,000. Also probably going insane.
At 11:14 PM,
MamaMidwife said…
The "Scott-Beer-Boot" face image has me wishing I could sheild my brain with my hand. Hahahahaha!!
Good luck on the book.
And seriously, you Facebook?
You should send me an email. We could be "friends". Ha!
Word Verification: denons
denons: (n.) what you get when you want to convey a really scary persona of a soul, but the "m" key on your keyboard is broken.
At 2:14 AM,
Citlali said…
OMG, we got ice tea in mugs EXACTLY like that here in Tucson at Cody's Beef and Beans. It was DAMN good Raspberry ice tea that tasted like those white chewy Brach's candies that have those tiny round bits of red, yellow and orange gummies in them. Do you know the ones I mean? It was amazing how that tea tasted like that candy. Anyway, the glasses were little stubby boots too. Weird. Hang in there!!! Try the chile relleno w/cheese next time -- it's a LOT harder to F-up. Hopefully. Too bad you don't like sushi... ha. BIG HUGS. xx = ]
At 6:55 PM,
Candy Rant said…
Gotta find you on FB, Mama!
Citlali, I remember those candies. Oh my gosh...I had totally forgotten they existed, but I know exactly what that tea tasted like now.
This restaurant didn't have chile rellenos. Isn't that lame?
At 10:04 AM,
Belle said…
They still have those candies in the Brach's Pick a Mix but they aren't square anymore. They are round and just not the same. We used to call them noogies but not sure what they are really called. Sorry to be a candy expert but it is my claim to fame.
At 9:57 PM,
FarmAndAway said…
You'll get there!
At 4:09 AM,
Warner Robins Upholstery said…
Very nice posst
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