Happy Birthday, Scott!

My fantastic husband was born 50 years ago today.
Last night was our swan song for being in our forties together. And I'm only a few months behind him in age, so I plan to see how he handles the freak-out, and learn from it.
I gotta feeling he'll do just fine, since he still acts a lot like he's fifTEEN. We both do.
Except for those niggling little aches and pains that show up more often these days...
Happy 50th, Scott. You are the love of my life.
And to prove it, I'm going to go tape Matlock for you.
At 9:36 AM,
banjo said…
Happy Birtgday Scott!
50 wasn't so bad. 49 was bad. At 49 I had a whole year to think about being 50 and, by the time it arrived, I was used to the idea. Now I'm working on 60. Just think,
I will be able to order from the senior's menu at restaurants!!
At 12:25 PM,
Citlali said…
Feliz Cumplea&os, Scott!!! ha. Yeah, I thought I was immune to the birthday blues until I hit 35. Not looking forward to 40 which looms just a couple years ahead. Well, hopefully you'll make peace with it and enjoy your life more than ever. You do have the Ranter to help you out... Best to ya!! many hugs. = ]
At 11:36 PM,
Scott P said…
Thanks, Banjo and Citali! The only birthday I had any real apprehension about was 35. 40 was no biggie and today was just a great day.
Though the aches and pains are starting to add up, I'll admit...
At 12:50 AM,
Jonathan said…
Fifty years old? No big whoop.Five more years and you can begin receiving "senior citizen discounts" from a host of local food retailers. I know this from experience...
Live the dream!
At 11:36 AM,
Scott P said…
I did get an AARP mailer the other day, Jonathan. They're like circling vultures.
At 7:41 PM,
Ana said…
Happy Birthday, Scott!
At 8:36 PM,
Tony said…
A mere fifty? Just out of swaddling clothes (whatever they are)from my aged perspective.
But the great thing about hitting fifty-plus is that you can call young'uns "whipper snappers." And use words like "balderdash," "horse feathers" and "apple sauce" to indicate disbelief.
On the positive side, you can express approval by crying out "Capital!" or "Bully! (But not--NOT I say--"that's white of you.")
So congrats, Scott--and that cake looks delicious.
At 2:57 AM,
Candy Rant said…
Good Lord, Tony...you gotta write a book for people in mid-life, with instructions just like these.
I'm thinking of getting Scott a monocle so he can REALLY look authentic when he says "Bully!"
At 11:37 AM,
Belle said…
Happy Birthday, Scott but I'm sorry to say that I am really interested in this birthday cake brownie creation. It looks wonderful.
At 1:11 PM,
Candy Rant said…
Belle, I stole that photo from a food website. A British one.
Scott's cake was a giant 4 layer, chocolate, sickeningly decadent monstrosity from Costco.
At 7:14 AM,
Belle said…
We don't have Costco here-are they like Walmart?
Both creations sound wonderful!
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