Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today Dad is 91. Our favorite CNA at the nursing home, Marlene, brought him a cake and a balloon. An extra-sweet thing to do, especially considering that she doesn't get paid nearly enough.
It's not easy to think of a gift for someone in a nursing home. The residents there are surrounded by things that were given by well-intentioned people, but that go unused. Scented powders and crossword puzzle books and way too many extra pairs of slippers and lap robes. People only have so many feet and laps.
Mom got out a red Sharpie and drew a reminder for Dad, on a pillowcase, that she's thinking of him when she's not there. I just love that she did that.
At 11:52 PM,
Jonathan said…
May God bless and keep you and your Mom and Daddy. Prayers every-which way and all around to everyone involved. He is faithful...
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